The AITS-RV (AIS Test Set / Tester) meets all your AIS test requirements, GMDSS, radio survey, development, manufacturing and more. It is fully compliant to Guidelines on annual testing of the AIS unit, IMO MSC.1/Circ.1252.
The AITS-RV (AIS Test Set / Tester) is used for testing AIS Class A, AIS Class B/CS, AIS Class B/SOTDMA, AIS Search & Rescue (SART), AIS AtoN, AIS Base Station, AIS Receiver units. This includes DSC interrogation (DSC telecommand).
Product Code: AITS-RV
AIS Test Set Overview
Very simply, the AIS is a broadcast system, operating in the VHF maritime mobile band. It is capable of sending ship information such as identification, position, course, speed and more, to other ships and to shore.
It can handle multiple reports at rapid update rates and uses Self-Organizing Time Division Multiple Access (SOTDMA) technology to meet these high broadcast rates and ensure reliable and robust ship-to ship operation.
The AITS-RV is a frequency agile 156 Mhz to 162.025 Mhz test set operating on the designated AIS1, AIS2 and DSC channels.
It has been designed in accordance with the listed relevant specifications as an aid to evaluating the operation of an AIS unit.
The AITS-RV AIS tester is designed for checking of class A and class B - AIS mobile, Aids To Navigation and AIS fixed stations.
It is suitable for evaluation, checking, testing, developing and manufacture of AIS hardware as well as according to the IMO circular MSC.1 / Circ.1252.
Operational Evaluation Of The Following AIS Equipment Under Test (EUT)
The objective for the use of the AITS-RV is to create a general VDL environment using a PC with AITS-RV hardware. Where the VDL parameters (power and frequency) and VDO and VDM packet data are easily analysed, interrogated and virtual targets created. A html or csv test result file can be saved.