AITS-RV AIS Test Set / Tester

The AITS-RV (AIS Test Set / Tester) meets all your AIS test requirements, GMDSS, radio survey, development, manufacturing and more. It is fully compliant to Guidelines on annual testing of the AIS unit, IMO MSC.1/Circ.1252.

The AITS-RV (AIS Test Set / Tester) is used for testing AIS Class A, AIS Class B/CS, AIS Class B/SOTDMA, AIS Search & Rescue (SART), AIS AtoN, AIS Base Station, AIS Receiver units. This includes DSC interrogation (DSC telecommand).

AIS Base Station front

AIS Test Set / Tester

Product Code: AITS-RV

AIS Test Set Overview

Very simply, the AIS is a broadcast system, operating in the VHF maritime mobile band. It is capable of sending ship information such as identification, position, course, speed and more, to other ships and to shore.

Maritec Solutions | AIS Test Set / Tester